We will miss you so much Toby!

We will miss you so much Toby!
TOBY WAYNE HIXENBAUGH our little Yorkie died on Sunday. We had him for 11 yrs.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We love you Toby and we will miss you so much!

Our little dog Toby got ran over by a car Sunday night. We have had Toby for 11 years. Toby was my birthday present, I remember going to pick him out he was the biggest one of the litter, still he was so small that the lady put a ponytail holder on his neck to mark that he was ours. It took Kelly and I two days to decide on a name for him, we went on line to the dog names list. We finally decided on Toby Wayne Hixenbaugh (Wayne is Kelly's middle name). Right away the dog took to Kelly and he definately became Kelly's dog. Toby has always slept on my legs or had his back up to the back of my legs. Toby could run like a bullet and so many times when he was a puppy he would race across the street and across all the yards all over the neighborhood. The girls and I always had to race after him to try to catch him. Toby has bit Aletta so many times because she always would mess with him. She made up a few songs when she was little about toby: Toby Chesnut knows I love him, or she would call him Tobis. The kids would laugh because sometimes I would say TobAss. Toby anoyed me alot also, oh my gosh the barking and jumping at the door. I will miss it now though. Kelly used to have a little red pickup and toby would ride on the top of the tool box on the back of the truck. We will all miss toby but no one will miss him as much as Kelly. Kelly was crying so hard when Toby died and it makes me feel so sad that his little buddy is gone. That dog was more important to him than the rest of our family. I feel so bad that I am on vacation and Kelly is the only one home by himself.
Maybe when I get home I'll get some love and attention and might even get petted. lol SERiously...

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